
Monday 26 May 2014

Day 207

Day 207

Left Face

Right Face

Center Forehead

Right Forehead

Left Forehead

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Day 200

Still in the midst of itch fest :(

Left Face
New spots still popping constantly.

Right Face
it is quite strange my right face wasn't affected as much as my left face

Center Forehead

Right Forehead
Old spot fading and new spot come

Left Forehead
Quite a lot of new spot this week

Sunday 11 May 2014

Day 193

This week I actually caught a minor cold. Fever was very minimal so I managed to recover back relatively quick (3 days) without using any medicine. Well, I try not to touch any medicine as far as possible too. The good thing is I was forced to sleep a lot during that 2 days MC so I hope that might help to pay off some sleep debt which have been accumulating for a month of late night gaming.

As for my condition, I have already gotten so used to the itchy skin that everyday feels the same. No significant breakthrough. No sign of victory yet. The itchiness continues as it always has been. Like a routine, I would have already lost track of the TSW duration if not for this blog. So this is Day 193 (month 6-7)

Right Face
Around the same

Left Face
Quite a huge improvement.
Perhaps the cold help to direct my body immune system to be busy fighting the virus instead of doing the eternal inflammation on the face.

Right Forehead
Around the same. still itch daily.

Center Forehead
Itchy as usual

Left Forehead
Less inflamed but still itchy 

Sunday 4 May 2014

Day 186

I am probably in the midst of a flare I guess.
Itchiness has been very bad for the last couple week.
Day 186 is the 6th month+ which I believe is also the period where most people suffer during their TSW duration. Looks like there is nothing much I can do except to be positive and rest well.

Left Face

Right Face

Center Forehead

Right Forehead

Left Forehead

While my face is flaring up and itch like mad, my legs only itch a bit. Just a tiny bit and not a problem at all.

Right Leg

Left Leg

Big Toe