
Sunday 20 July 2014

Day 263

As usual, I don't have any major breakthrough yet.
Just wait patiently.

Left Face

Center Forehead

Left Forehead

Right Forehead

Sunday 6 July 2014

Day 249

Hi everyone, this is month 8 already.

I can't really tell if my skin is getting better or worse. It is too difficult to determine whether this week will be a break or next week will be a flare. Everything seems very unpredictable. It is like a graph that moves up and down randomly.

There is something different in the past two weeks. My ears seems to be slightly swollen and sleeping side ways hurt a bit and this affect my sleep quality (because I always sleep side way). The skin behind my neck (on the hair line) also itch a bit and was quite irritated during my barber visit.

However, it seems like I'm having a break now but I'm not very sure yet. Anyway, I guess this will be the only update for the month unless there is a huge improvement for my break or an extreme flare that is worth mentioning.

Left Face

Center Forehead

Right Forehead

Left Forehead
Ah yes, I remember the itchy spot that last for days.

Legs remain healed. Even the discolouration is also fading well

Right Leg

Not an issue already.

Left Leg

Can't even see anything here :)