
Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 879

i have to apologise first, because i actually went through a 1 month flare (my flare is small anyways since my condition is so mild in the first place) and i did not even monitor / document it. it started growing, and became larger, to a size about 5cm wound but it is healed.

left leg, i remember scratching it every night for 2-3 weeks when it flare up into a 5cm wound, but i did not even bothered to monitor it and this pic is unfortunately taken when it is almost fully healed now.

of course 5cm is nothing compared to my worst flare (14 cm) during the 6 months of withdrawal. but at least i can draw a conclusion now. looks like it is the norm to flare up even after 2+ years but it is no where as serious as the initial period and most people probably just don't really care anymore at this stage, like me, perhaps i should also stop posting and move on.

below, my face is also not fully healed. but overall the entire face does not give me much problems for now.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Day 830

hello, happy new year.

actually there is really no reason to update because there is nothing interesting to report about.

i am not 100% healed, because i still get itchy and inflammation but it is very minor now, to the point where i no longer care about the developments as it did not affect my life at all.

for my condition, it is very mild to begin with but come to think of it, it has been more than 2 years and i am still not completely healed so it seems like the recovery is going to take as long as those people who has a severe case. or perhaps, this is something that we won't "fully recover" from.

i can only conclude that the only healing factor here is time. nothing else help, except time and patience.