
Sunday 28 December 2014

Day 425

This update came very late because I really don't see much reason to keep posting regularly when my condition remains more or less the same. Anyways, my TSW is very very mild to begin with and partly also because there are more things going on during the Christmas that requires my attention at the moment.

In addition, world of warcraft new expansion was released last month, I've been having a pretty bad lifestyle for the past 1 month as a gamer lol. However, it seems like diet and bad lifestyle does not really affect my TSW much (or not at all).

Left Face
It is always "old scar fading" and "new ones coming"

Right Face
also recovering from a larger one

Center Forehead
I think this area is where I can track my improvement. It is definitely much calmer nowadays

Right Forehead
It may look better now but I swear this part is still very itchy

Left Forehead

Friday 21 November 2014

Day 382

It has been one year since I began this. I thought everything will be done by now but from the looks of it, I don't feel much difference. The random itchiness everyday is still as annoying as ever.

Need moar patience ~

Left Face

Right Face

Center Forehead

Right Forehead

Left Forehead

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Day 361

Almost one year now :)

Left Face

Right Face
A few dots here and there

Center Forehead

Right Forehead

Left Forehead
Getting worse for no reason :(

Monday 13 October 2014

Day 347

I guess one of the main reason why an illness like cold/flu usually help to clear up our skin is probably because of the antibiotics. Things will be back to normal now that I have recovered from my illness. Will update 2 weeks later.

Left Face

Right Face

Right Forehead

Center Forehead

Left Forehead

Right Leg

It is healed and no longer itch any more :)

Monday 29 September 2014

Day 333

More or less the same. Maybe I don't even need to update for one whole month and things will still looks the same

Left Face

Right Face

Center Forehead

Right Forehead

Left Forehead

Sunday 21 September 2014

Day 326

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update. I was sick for the past 2 weeks due to a cold which turns into bronchitis. I seriously hate bronchitis. Coughing was very intensive and the hardest thing is that I could not even sleep. Everytime I try to lie down, my throat became itchy and cough will start all over again.

For the whole week, I am only able to rest in bed attempting to catch a couple hours of sleep here and there. It is really a torture and I am so glad that it is finally coming to an end now. For today, I only got 3-4 cough attacks as compared to 20-50 cough attacks last week. I hope to be fully healed by this week so that I can resume my routine exercise. Bronchitis has made me very weak and running a few steps can easily make me breathless.

Left Face
I am not sure why my skin condition improves during an illness. I got a feeling the improvement is only temporary, perhaps an extended break from my Month 10-11. I assume things should start to get worse soon around Month 12-13 as most people do.

Right Face
Other than the itchy ear, I am quite happy here.

Center Forehead

Right Forehead
I accidentally scratch a bit too hard during the night.

Left Forehead
Problem area is still there.

Monday 1 September 2014

Day 305

It looks like the 10th month break indeed happen to me too :)

My face improved significantly!

Left Face
There are still mini pustule on a daily basis. However, they are tiny and disappear relatively quick too.

Right Face
This side of my face remains calm throughout my TSW period.

Center Forehead
Quite clear now. I am happy on where this is going.

Right Forehead

Left Forehead
This part still itch badly but the positive result from other sides encourage me.

Left Leg
Cannot even see the scar anymore

Right Leg
I am quite surprised when my right leg starts to itch again after such a long break. Not sure if this is actually my real eczema. I believe I can safely leave it alone since it is nothing serious as compared to the beginning of TSW.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 291

Hi, I have change my lifestyle quite a bit.

Firstly, I finally started an exercise routine, around 3 times a week, working mainly on my legs.

Secondly, my bowel movement has been reduced to twice a week only. I began to suffer from "Large and Hard" stools. I am not sure what causes this, perhaps my exercise delay onset inflammation set in. Anyway, these hard stools also cause a fissure in my butt and is very painful during bowel movements. Luckily, it is easy to pass through because the stool is also very heavy. But the fissure is very painful

Thirdly, there is a new shop near my house selling organic products. Since it is convenience, I decided to start eating chia seed and cold pressed coconut oil in my daily routine.

If I do get better next month, I will not know whether it is the famous TSW 10 months break or because of these changes. Answers will be out after 2-3 months I guess.

Left Face

Right Forehead

Center Forehead

Left Forehead
Very itchy!

Right Face
As usual, this side is calm.