
Sunday 23 February 2014

Day 116

Hello, it's Sunday again.

After a while, it can be quite tedious to keep doing this every week. But I hope that my effort in doing this will not be wasted. When I am fully healed one day, I will definitely promote this blog so that it may be useful to other people who are also a victim of topical steroid cream.

Anyway, here's my update.

Left Face
I still got several new spots every week but lesser each week.

Right Face
Around the same. A few spots here and there.

Center Forehead
After so many up and down on my forehead, I feel that the skin condition of my entire forehead area looks like crumbled paper on the surface. Haha

Right Forehead

Left Forehead
Looks like the larger pustule wound need at least 1 month to go away

Left Leg
It should be healing well.

Right Leg
Healing extremely well. Middle area is perfect skin, smooth and not itchy.
Just waiting for the perimeter to heal now!

Big Toe
I thought this area was totally healed until it starts to itch again.
Not sure what causes it but looks like I have to continue to monitor this again.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Day 109

I see my condition is already getting better and better from all my past photos but I still got the feeling it is not over yet. I read quite a lot of blog to know that a severe TSW usually takes 2+ years and mild TSW usually takes 9-12 months. Although I really hope to be healed as soon as possible, I am currently only at day 109 which is a bit too fast. I try not to keep my hopes too high so that I won't be so demoralized in the event my condition decided to turn bad.

So far, I did not apply anything to my skin and just let it be as natural as it can. I did not even use soap... just a normal shampoo for my hair and that's it. I also did not went for any special diet. Just normal singaporean (15% Mcdonald, 15% KFC, 70% Hawker) diet because I don't know how to cook my own meals. lol

Left Face
I hope for the day when I stop getting itchy pustules on a daily basis. It is very annoying.

Right Face
More or less the same as last week

Center Forehead
These spots also itch for hours but I'm glad it doesn't grow big

Right Forehead

Left Forehead
I also notice that I don't have skin flakes nowadays

Right Leg
This part used to be my most troubled spot but I am definitely healing well now. The middle part is now very smooth skin and it is not itchy at all! The itchiness is mainly at the edges (perimeter) of the rash. Diameter of this rash is still around 14 cm.

Left Leg
Also healing well :)

Sunday 9 February 2014

Day 102

Hi everyone,

Today is Sunday and I finally break the 100 day.

Congrats to myself.

Left Face
Yes, I still get these pustules on a daily basis.
They are both irritating and itchy.

Right Face
I didn't realize my right face recover so fast considering all the spots I got last week.

Center Forehead
Looks OK

Right Forehead
I think these photo is over-optimistic because the itchiness ain't over yet.

Left Forehead
Yeah, I knew this was coming because that spot itch for hours before it slowly swell up.
Large pustule usually takes a while to fade also.

Big Toe
This will be the last time I post for Big Toe.
I consider this healed.

Right Leg
The inflammation is still spreading larger (14 cm) but the itchiness is mainly at the edge (perimeter) while the middle part feels like normal skin. Not sure how to describe it but I think I am healing.

Left Leg
I find the skin is no longer red.
This is the first time I got the feeling that I am actually going to recover from TSW soon.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Day 95

Happy Lunar New Year

I personally don't really like CNY because everything is quite fake. haha

Anyways, it is Sunday and I have to do my weekly update.

Left Face
Right Face

I still continue to get itchy spots on both side of my face and I'm glad those larger spots from the previous week have also became smaller now.

Center Forehead

Right Forehead

Left Forehead

My Forehead remains pretty much the same.
I hope the itch will stop some day but at least it did not get worse this week.

Big Toe

I believe Big Toe is no longer an issue to me now.
Although the skin is still rough to touch but it does not itch and I don't think I need to post Big Toe on a weekly basis.

Left Leg

Right Leg

These 2 photo shows that both my legs "appears to be healing very well". I double quote that because I am not sure about it. Ever since the scab fell off pieces by pieces, the itch increase significantly. Both legs give me a little bit of burning itch every night it can affect my sleep.