
Sunday 19 January 2014

Day 81

Phew, my neck spasms is finally gone. I am not sure what causes that but it is definitely one of the worse neck spasms I ever got and it lasted 8 days! The constant twitching of my neck muscles is so bad that I was unable to sleep for a duration of 2 days straight and got me very worried about my neck. Although I am not fully healed from the stiff neck today, I am glad the neck spasms have finally stop for now.

If I were to compare 7 days of itchy skin vs 7 days of neck spasms, I will choose 7 days of itchy skin every time because neck spasms is a much worse condition! But in reality, eczema don't last 7 days and my withdrawal from topical steroids is probably going to last at least 7 x 7 x 7 days haha.

Back to my skin condition update now, these are the photos.

Left Face
Not much changes.
Still getting mini pustules daily and waiting for my old scar to fade. 

Right Face
I remember jaw line area is itchy this week.
But overall, I think my left/right face are improving slowly.

Center Forehead
Itchy and flaking. Very uncomfortable.

Right Forehead
Quite irritated and annoying itchiness throughout the week.

Left Forehead
Why is it that my left forehead is so calm as compared to my right forehead?

Right Leg
The itchiness became pretty bad ever since the scab started felling.
Kept me up for hours at night. Sign..

Left Leg
Ever since the scab fell off, the exposed red skin is very itchy.
I think I prefer having the thick and ugly scab than this.

Big Toe
Big toe is still good. Skin is rough to touch but it's not itchy.
4th and 5th toe is also healing well.

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