
Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 151

Today will be the 5th month of my withdrawal.

My face and eyebrow still itch a lot. However, I am very thankful that my legs did not itch for the past 3 weeks now!

I wonder if my face is purely TSW or could it be something else? Because I remember using a lot more steroids on my legs last time and yet my legs seems to be healing very fast (and it no longer itch) while my face is still suffering from the annoying itchiness on a daily basis.

Sometimes, I really hope that I can recover in 6 months because my TSW condition is very light to begin with :) But maybe it is too early to conclude anything at the moment. Because I have read many TSW blog in the past and all of the victims need at least 1 year (some 2 years) to recover back to normal. I am just hoping for the best.

Left Face
These mini pustule is never-ending. It comes and goes relatively quick.
There will be a few spots everyday, and they itch for hours, disturbing my sleep sometimes.
Right Face
Only occasional itch. Quite Ok

Center Forehead
The large pustule was healed but probably will have new itchy spot soon

Left Forehead
Still have to endure

Right Forehead
Very itchy :(

Right Leg
No more worries

Big Toe
No more itch

Left Leg
No more itch

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